Voting recommendations to the European Parliament on the EU4Health programme

The European Commission published the EU4Health Programme Proposal and its Annexes. This Autumn, we, 26 like minded, public interest non-governmental health organisations in the frame of the ‘EU4Health Civil Society Alliance’ formulated 10 guiding principles for the governments and members of the European Parliament for the upcoming negotiations.

Members of the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee of the European Parliament tabled amendments (AM 115-519 and AM 520-1095). Following the 12th October vote in the  committee, a plenary level vote is planned later in the Autumn, which will then be followed by negotiations with EU national governments.

The programme  should finally be adopted by the end of 2020 at the latest, as it is supposed to be implemented from 2021.

The EU4Health Civil Society Alliance assessed the amendments from the perspective of the 10 Guiding Principles.

Download our voting suggestions below.