Unlocking Europe’s Future:

Prioritising Health under the next Multiannual Financial Framework

26 March 2025

15:00 - 17:00 CEST

In-person only

SPINELLI 5G1, European Parliament, Brussels

Civil society organisations (CSOs) are witnessing widening gaps in health and well-being. At a time when the EU is facing multiple threats (climate change impacts on health, the growing burden of non-communicable diseases, antimicrobial resistance, shortages of healthcare workers and medical products, new pandemics), the role of CSOs is essential in meeting these urgent health and care needs. However, at the same time, CSOs are facing increasing difficulties in accessing secure, sustainable, stable, and long-term funding.  

The EU4Health Civil Society Alliance has continuously called for a strong and stable EU4Health Programme which empowers CSOs to build and sustain continuous and independent operations.  

CSOs have been integral to the implementation of the EU4Health Programme, tackling pressing health and care needs and adapting in record time to a budget that grew more than ten-fold as a response to the COVID crisis.  

The EU institutions increasingly involve health-focused CSOs in a number of EU activities and forums. This acknowledges their important inputs to public health in Europe and is positive from a democratic perspective. However, this cannot happen meaningfully and consistently without adequate financial support.  

At the same time, priorities are shifting quickly and the political will to invest in health has lost considerable momentum, as demonstrated by the minimal focus on health in the 2023 State of the Union speech and the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029. The EU4Health Civil Society Alliance shared its concern with the Belgian presidency of the European Council and the President of the European Commission over the midterm review of the EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) which led to a one billion cut of the total budget of the EU4Health Programme. These cuts not only translated into a 20% cut of the overall EU health budget under the current MFF, but also affected the priorities and strategic programming on health for the remaining years of the Framework.  

Improving the resilience of our healthcare systems and ensuring their ability to respond to future crises requires continuous and sustained action. If the European Health Union is to have a future, it is imperative that the next Multiannual Financial Framework (2028-2034) prioritises health, backed by sufficient funding.  

Our Hosts

We welcome the support of four MEPs who will be hosting this event:

elena koutouris tapiero

MEP Tilly Metz

Greens, Luxembourg

isabel de la mata

MEP Stine Bosse

Renew, Denmark

rabin s. baldewsingh photo

MEP Vytenis Andriukaitis

S&D, Lithuania

milka sokolovic 2023

MEP András Tivadar Kulja

EPP, Hungary