Letter of concern: restrictions on civil society’s activities in the new mandate
7 Feb 25

The members of the EU4Health Civil Society Alliance express their concerns about restrictions on funding that CSOs focusing on environmental and climate action, and benefitting from grants under the EU LIFE programme, are facing. Under new guidelines communicated at the end of 2024, funds from the LIFE operating grants can no longer be used to develop and implement policy and advocacy activities targeting EU policymakers. Such developments could significantly limit the activities of CSOs in the EU and create a highly concerning precedent.
This adds to an already uncertain situation for health-focused CSOs. As of today, health CSOs still do not have information on the operating grants provided under the EU4Health programme for 2025, as the EU4Health Work Programme still has not been presented.
We therefore call on the EU to reconsider the limitations set on the LIFE programme and support a strong and vibrant civic space through sustainable public funding for CSOs, including policy and advocacy activities. Additionally, we ask for transparency and a clear timeline for the publication of the EU4Health 2025 Work Programme.