Better late than never: an urgent need for implementation of the 2030 Agenda
19 Feb 19

1 scenario out of 3 promises adequate response to improve people’s health and well-being
EU4Health reaction to European Commission Reflection Paper: Towards a Sustainable Europe by 2030
Members of the EU4Health Campaign welcome the European Commission’s Reflection Paper: Towards a Sustainable Europe by 2030, but regret that this political debate is three and a half years overdue and just before the mandate of the current Commission comes to an end. By now, we should have been well-beyond the phase of reflection and well-into the process of discussing a concrete implementation plan with measurable goals and targets, a timeline, appropriate governance structures, adequate financing, effective policy measures and an accountable and robust monitoring scheme. Ensuring the future sustainability of health systems is fundamental to the attainment of most of the sustainable development goals and targets in particular those related to reduced inequalities, gender equality and elimination of poverty. Health therefore must be regarded as a cross-cutting dimension of the 2030 Agenda and should be addressed as uch.